Rules of Engagement: In who's advantage?

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Glock Perfection
Apr 12, 2005
Washington State
This video makes me sick to my heart. Our warriors attempting to clear a house and not wanting to harm the occupants who are shouting "Allah Ahkbar".

Eff that. Our rules of engagement suck. We should have stepped to minute 5 at second 15. Mk 19 the whole frigging house and ask questions later. A wonder our guys didn't get hurt.

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Same here... Sometimes our ROE was so precise we werent allowed to fire because the enemy rounds were going over our heads and not directly aimed at us...

Then again, sometimes the ROE were quite simple, for us anyways... Ive always maintained and commented that ROE sometimes get very good people shot or killed...
I wish it had been that simple, TO. I'm sure Dan would agree. Rules of engagement were written by politicians and people who don't understand the realities in the field.

Sad, but true Eric. Going back to Viet Nam, LBJ tried to call every shot from inside the oval office, or so it seemed. And the Korean War had it's share of idiotic "rules" as well.


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