SA330 Puma TigerMeet - 1/144

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Senior Airman
Apr 21, 2008
Hello Guys,

I did this project on last month, but I don´t post it here, so I´ll post some pics and comments about the building.

About the SA330

The SA.330 Puma was originally developed by Sud Aviation to meet a requirement of the French Army for a medium-sized all-weather helicopter. The helicopter also had to be capable of operating by day and night as well as in a wide variety of climates.

In 1967, the Puma was also selected by the Royal Air Force (RAF) and given the designation Puma HC Mk.1. As a result of this decision, the SA 330 was included in a joint production agreement between Aerospatiale and Westland Helicopters of the UK.

The first of two Puma prototypes flew on 15 April 1965. Six pre-production models were also built, the last of which flew on 30 July 1968.

The first production SA 330 Puma flew in September 1968. Two years later, in 1970, Sud Aviation merged with Nord Aviation and SÉREB to form Aérospatiale, and the helicopter has been associated with that name ever since, though it still retained the "SA" (for "Sud Aviation") model designator.

On 25 April 1978, the SA 330J Puma achieved the distinction of becoming the first helicopter outside the (then) Soviet Union to be certified for all-weather operations, including icy conditions.

Production of the SA 330 Puma by Aérospatiale ceased in 1987, by which time a total of 697 had been sold.

The Puma was then replaced by an upgraded and improved version, the Eurocopter AS332 Super Puma.

Here what it could do:


The kit:

The kit have two tress on grey and one clear

Decal Sheet

Instructions Sheet

This is the "real" thing:

Some reference pics:


This is the model Finished, I´ll post pics about all the building process

I replace the Control Stick by one made from sprue,

Seat belts with painted tamiya tape:

I did an small fire extinguisher made from sprue, need some work yet, the glue is visible....

Love the cockpit looks

A small pic with a coin, soon I´ll take onw with a dime coin...

I leave an afternoon sanding and filling the fuselage, the Revell did not made this kit too good ,

The clear parts fits good, but the fuselage halves and the landing gear covers need a lot of sanding to get a good finish.

Ready to paint, I glued the doors with withe glue, to remove after painting, and protect the clear parts with maskol

Underside painting

An accident, when I heat the rotor blades to take it down, some of them broken, . so I need to make a new one from scrath, using plasticard

The blades finish was good

The final finish, the first is that I made from plasticard.

did a photocopy of decal sheet, and cut using a plotter needle, but the finish was not too good, so I decide to use the decals, with MicroSET and MicroSOL, I place the decals... the finish is going good..

Some little updates, finish to apply the decals, and add some details.

I use a PE saw to remove a small window from the door, so I can put it opened on the model.

Add some color strips on rotor too..

It´s almost done !

Interior details:


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