I am curious to know if anyone in the Sacramento or Northern California area might be interested in doing a mess night with guests, in WWII atire. The idea would be to dress in an Allies dress uniform (Class B or higher), and to create a mess night that is period accurate. For example, in the months prior, participants could share links to youtube videos that describe important parts of the war, or technical components of military campaigns, units, vehicles, aircraft, etc. Essentially, each person would develop their own story related to WWII and be prepared to share a bit of it. For example, in real life I was a Marine Corps air crew/door gunner on a Ch46; so, I am developing an enlisted gunner's uniform for the B29 (my favorite WWII aircraft). I am studying the aircraft itself, and also its use in the Pacific. So, I would be able to tell "stories" related to my B29 crew as we were stationed at Tinian Island, and so forth. I am learning about the Central Fire Control system, etc. Guests could come, and should be in period clothing, and also be able to portray someone of that time. For example, my female companion can talk about working in the war effort, and will probably wear a knee length dress of the period.
This will take some planning, for sure... probably a year or so. But, if you have ever been to a military mess night, then you know how much fun they are.
Is anyone interested in talking about this possibility more? I have located several sources that will custom make you a regulation uniform, can supply the necessary badges, buttons, medals, etc.
Please email me directly, if intererested (enelson.0000 <at> gmail <dotcom>) <== Sorry, don't want computers harvesting this email address and hitting me with a lot of spam... You can figure it out.
Gunny Nelson
This will take some planning, for sure... probably a year or so. But, if you have ever been to a military mess night, then you know how much fun they are.
Is anyone interested in talking about this possibility more? I have located several sources that will custom make you a regulation uniform, can supply the necessary badges, buttons, medals, etc.
Please email me directly, if intererested (enelson.0000 <at> gmail <dotcom>) <== Sorry, don't want computers harvesting this email address and hitting me with a lot of spam... You can figure it out.
Gunny Nelson
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