Chief Master Sergeant
ie the current colloquial use of the word:
"The willful killing, by a sudden, secret, or planned attack, of a person - especially if prominent or important."
Note that there is no distinction as to whether it happens during peacetime or war-time.
Historically there were sometimes distinctions made between whether the person killed was a military combatant or a civilian, but in the end it all comes down to a specifically planned targeting of a specific individual for political, military, or economic gain (on an international or at least large scale). In civil law, if the person is 'unimportant', and there is not specific conspiracy to kill for political or military reasons, then it is usually treated as the ~equivalent of 1st degree murder.
This is as opposed to the specific targeting of large numbers of individuals for the same or similar purposes - in which case it is often classed as mass murder (when talking about randomly selected civilians), genocide (when talking about a group targeted due to colour or 'race'), persecution plus killing (when targeted due to religious, cultural, sexual orientation, etc), or war (when targeted for any particular raison du jour that encourages/permits mass killing).
ie the current colloquial use of the word:
"The willful killing, by a sudden, secret, or planned attack, of a person - especially if prominent or important."
Note that there is no distinction as to whether it happens during peacetime or war-time.
Historically there were sometimes distinctions made between whether the person killed was a military combatant or a civilian, but in the end it all comes down to a specifically planned targeting of a specific individual for political, military, or economic gain (on an international or at least large scale). In civil law, if the person is 'unimportant', and there is not specific conspiracy to kill for political or military reasons, then it is usually treated as the ~equivalent of 1st degree murder.
This is as opposed to the specific targeting of large numbers of individuals for the same or similar purposes - in which case it is often classed as mass murder (when talking about randomly selected civilians), genocide (when talking about a group targeted due to colour or 'race'), persecution plus killing (when targeted due to religious, cultural, sexual orientation, etc), or war (when targeted for any particular raison du jour that encourages/permits mass killing).