SB2C-4E Helldiver

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As some of you may know, I will be purchasing an Accurate Miniatures (re-boxed Pro Modeller) SB2C-4 Helldiver. I will be painting it in USS Bunker Hill colours to add to my collection of Bunker Hill birds. It will be representative of a SB2C-4E of VB-84, during February 1945. One problem though. The kit is not for an SB2C-4E, but only a -4. The only difference I can seem to find is that the -4E was equipped with radar. Were the any other differences? I'd like some detail shots of the radome and any possible differences as I'll have to make the myself it seems. I'd do just a normal -4, but all the Bunker Hill had on it at the time were -4Es. Thanks!

Here's what I've found so far.


Curtiss SB2C-4E Helldiver, Academy 1:72 - Modellversium

That second link is entirely in German, and while my German's decent, it's not really tailored for reading stuff like that! :lol: If anyone's better at it than I, maybe they can find out what they did to make the radome and such.
My German is probably not much better than yours Cory, but from what I gather, he made the APS radar pod from a spare drop tank and plastic card. The real thing certainly looks like one of the 108 US Gal tanks, although shorter. I might have an actual pod somewhere, or at least a drop tank, if you want it. I might also have a pic or drawing of the pod, let me see what I can find.
Hi Cory, look what I've found! Do you want them? Just E-mail an address and they'll be on the way mate.


  • Cory Pod 003.jpg
    Cory Pod 003.jpg
    54.2 KB · Views: 135
  • Cory Pod 002.jpg
    Cory Pod 002.jpg
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Terry, that would be fantastic! I can't access my normal e-mail from work, so I'll send you one when I get home today! Do you need anything? You probably have everything I have and then some, but maybe I'll have something you'll need? I looked through my spares, and I didn't have anything correct, so this is great! Thanks! They're 1/48, correct? Hard to tell from the photos.
No problem mate, I'll get them in the post on Monday at the latest. And yes, the pod and the radar set are both 1/48th scale, spare bits from the Academy P38 kit. Can't think of anything I need at the moment, unless you've got a spare P51 kit, in 1:1 scale!
Forward planning my boy, forward planning! Always remember all the 'P's', PPPPPPP = Perfect Planning and Preparation Prevents P*ss Poor Performance!
BTW, have a look at your other thread, got some spare HVAR's, and depth charges, if you want them.

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