Staff Sergeant
So you dont think the ability to place a an 1140 lb shell, capable at that range (18000 m) with armour penetration of about 14 inches is going to hurt the German Battlecruiser.
He is right - 14 inches is way insufficient to get some real hurt to the Scharnhorst class - deck arrangements being such as they were, quite similar to the Bismarck - all it can do is to mess up the non-vital areas above the armored deck. Nothing that would compromise the ship's fighting capacity is there, however.
By comparison the the German ship can penetrate about 8.8 inches of plate, which is not quite enough to penetrate the main belt of the Alaska, once the angle of the hit is taken into account, as well as the STS bulkheads on which the Alaskas belt is hung
I think you should check the gunnery tables again.
I did check the gunnery tables, and your comparison of the two guns is questionable... appearantly you took the figures for the US 12" gun calculated using the USN's empirical formula, which generally produces higher penetration figures for all projectiles, and compared that the Krupp live fire test results using a pre-war propellant, fired at a plate with an impact angle of 70 degrees... tsk-tsk-tsk! 8)
In reality, using similiar, comparable figures we get, at 20 000 yards, using in both case the USN Empirical Formula for Armor Penetration.
28 cm/54.5 (11") SK C/34 11.47" (291 mm) 1.87" (48 mm)
12"/50 (30.5 cm) Mark 8 : 12.73" (323 mm) 3.02" (77 mm)
The difference in figures for belt penetration are marginal using the same conditions, and more pronounced in deck penetration.
However, whereas the Alaska's 12" guns must go through a 350 mm belt and thereafter attempt the impossbile, penetrate a high sloped 105 mm deck - even far larger gun calibres didn't have the power for that. OTOH the 28cm guns on the Scharnhorst only have to go through a single 9"/228mm thick belt before the the vitals can be reached.
This is quite easily possible, for as per the USN formula the 28cm gun can still penetrate a 8.08" (205 mm) belt at 30 000 yards (so a 9 incher is probably vulnerable at 27-28k).
At 18000 metres the Alaska could use her 5 inche guns with a firing cysle on average threee time the rate of the 5.9 inch guns on Scharnhorst.
To what purpose..? The 5" guns cannot possibly do but superficial damage to the Scharnhorst superstructure or exposed systems like radar etc. They cannot do any harm at all inside the citadel (70% of the ship hull...) due to the rather thick upper side belt and top armored deck - these are impossible to penetrated by 5" using any type of round at most practical ranges (the upper belt becomes vulnerable at sub-10 000 yard ranges).
Not to mention, comparing the secondaries we speak of 12 x 5" guns on one ship, incapable of giving hurt to the other ship vs. the 12 x 5'9" and 14 x 4.1" guns (the latter which you ignored) on the Scharnhorst. The firepower of the secondaries on the Scharnhorst is quite simply much superior, especially coupled with that Alaska's armor is far less extensive than the Scharnhorst, and most of the upper works is vulnerable for both 4.1" and 5.9" guns.