Hi Everyone.
I scratchbuild my models and am at presently finishing plans for an Italian SM-71 Airliner. Can anyone provide me some pictures or tell me where I can find some...
Thank you.
I make my models with Mahogany Wood, card, paper, wire, Plaster of Paris (engines and wheels etc..) and all kind of stuff.
Here are some pics of my last one: SM-81 Pipistrello. (Bat)
I scratchbuild my models and am at presently finishing plans for an Italian SM-71 Airliner. Can anyone provide me some pictures or tell me where I can find some...
Thank you.
I make my models with Mahogany Wood, card, paper, wire, Plaster of Paris (engines and wheels etc..) and all kind of stuff.
Here are some pics of my last one: SM-81 Pipistrello. (Bat)