Searching for the title of a book

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Senior Airman
Feb 16, 2019
Does the search engine let you search for an exact string? I'm searching for a book title and I've entered it in quotation marks, but the search results find every post with any of the words in it.
"Twelve Days in May"

Similarly, if I search for "Norden bombsight," the results include content with "Norden" but without "bombsight."
Well, that's why I started out with, "Does the search engine let you search for an exact string?" And why I posted in Errors/Problems/Questions (about the site), not in one of the aviation topics. ;)
OK. Please check on the thread ... Sort order of search results

Then , check on your settings for the searching option in your Account/Prefferences section. Also when you use the Advanced Search button you may find more options for the searching to set. I have checked on both key expressions you posted above and all was displayed correctly in order from the most fitting strings in posts to the single words in the threads. If there is not displayed a such thread/post or the correct sentence it means that the searching egine didn't find anything what it was running for.
Here a screenshot with the results for the Norden bombsight using my settings and marked the option Search titles only.

OK, that worked better, but not perfectly.

The search function really needs a literal string function.

Come on , it does. If it doesn't you would get nothing but rubbish while the system displays all what contains the string you specified in the searching line. So if you type word "the day" you can't get "the night" unless the word night is in one line with or next to the "day" . What is more if you don't specify which day you mean the system can't reply with the "Monday" word because it hasn't been the AI yet and is not the mentalist. ;)

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