Settle an argument for me, who developed the F4U's curved approach for carrier landings.

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The USN's doctrine for carrier landings were to approach upwind starboard while slowing, drop down ahead of the carrier and come about, passing to port and banking behind the carrier for final.

In a sense, a descending spiral.
Sounds a lot like the Sherman was a death trap, not a match for anything, and all the Robson lighter stories…everyone assumes the other guy fact checked his work and cites him only for himself to be cited by the next generation of "experts"..
As long as we're talking landing long-nosed aircraft on carrier decks….

As a guy who has flown military (fighters), commercial, and some civilian just about any aviation movie is WAY short on accuracy. Technique only, I squint a bit and try to enjoy the story.

As someone who has used rifles his whole life and actually worked on two movies here in Oz I understand the need for facts and reality to be abandoned in the name of entertainment, which is what movies are. If war movies were made factual there would be 2 hours of watching blokes bitching about everything from the food to the weather lol.
Hollywood isn't the only place to get aviation just plain wrong. The news media do an excellent job of it, too, on EVERY aviation-related story.

I am reminded of an accident over San Diego when a PSA 727 collided with a Cessna 182. The news media showed a Cessna 182 making a curving approach to and hitting the Boeing 727 on a cover picture in a news magazine. Now, the Cessan comes down final approach at about 85 - 100 knots and the Boeing 727 in generally decelerating through 170 knots on long approach down to the over-the-fence speed of around 127 knots depending on weight. So, realistically, who ran over who?
I enjoyed the squadron of B-26s.
I've read that the B26 that tried to kamakaze the Akagi might not of actually happened, it was witnessed by an officer named Fuchida who said it happened that way but instead there's speculation that the plane he saw was Lt Jame Muri who strafed the Akagi's deck as he overflew it, anyway another myth we can debunk?.
As a guy who has flown military (fighters), commercial, and some civilian just about any aviation movie is WAY short on accuracy. Technique only, I squint a bit and try to enjoy the story.

My particular favorite is the so called "history channel" penchant for showing a flight of SBD's each and every time the story line calls for Japanese dive bombers to attack USN ships.
Sounds a lot like the Sherman was a death trap, not a match for anything, and all the Robson lighter stories…everyone assumes the other guy fact checked his work and cites him only for himself to be cited by the next generation of "experts"..
While assigned to the 485th E&I Sq at Griffiss AFB one of my wife's frend's husbands had been a tanker in Korea. Among the many stories he related was thier relief when they finally had their Shermans replaced with 90mm equipped M48's. As a confidence builder his commander had the new gun fired through the side of a line of Shermans. I seem to recall him claiming it passed through at least seven. Up to that time the only way to fight the Soviet tanks was to ambush them from the side and reverse asap. He was invalided out after his turret hatch spring broke causing the hatch to smash into his face while they were moving at speed over rough terrain.
In learning to fly in a Cessna 150 in Jersey I recall I asked for permission to turn in on finals and was advised "you are number two to the BAC111 behind you".

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