Shanghai Aerospace Enthusiast's Center.

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Oct 12, 2011
Some pictures from the slightly odd Shangai Aerospace Enthusiast's Center. I saw ads for this on video screens in the subway and it looked great, but unfortunately it didn't live up to the hype. The display areas were a bit dull and none of the interactive stuff was going. I saw two staff members who looked bored and they paid me no attention at all. Outside, it was stinking hot; Shanghai had just suffered a huge monsoon storm and it had been raining for days. The Il-14 was up to its axles in water and its interior was unbearably hot. The OAT was around 33 deg C with 90% humidity, so sweat was raining off me and my camera fogged up. I couldn't get a clear picture for at least half an hour. It was so hot I wandered about with my shirt off! Anyway, a few pics and a link to more.

Model of the COMAC C919, indigenous airliner designed to compete with B737s and Airbus A320s, which are currently being built in Tianjin.
COMAC C919.jpg

State official transport Il-14.

Ilyushin Il-14.

Il-14 VIP interior, regularly ferried Chairman Mao and Zhou En-Lai about.

L to R; Dong Feng 102, Shenyang F-6, Shenyang J-8, rotors from Harbin Z-5.
L to R.jpg

Douglas DC-8-61.

Link to page: Shanghai Aerospace Enthusiast's Center
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Now that made me laugh, Jeff! No, I wouldn't subject you to that, as funny as I might have thought the idea! Note that the DC-8 pic is slightly blurry, this is from my camera misting up. I had never experienced that before; as soon as I walked outside it just fogged up, inside and out. I couldn't clean it with a rag as the lens inside the body has also misted up and it took awhile before it unfogged. It did get cooler later in the day, when I went to my next destination, the rather surreal Oriental Land.

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