Thanks Shortround, I used the tables for the E (and the D) by just varying gross weight. The GW of the P-40D taken to be 8,100# and that of the P-40E: 8,400#. By 25,000 feet, the D is leading the E by about 4 minutes and is carrying an additional 100 fpm climb rate. That's pretty much what I was anticipating. If the P-40D can reach an altitude of 28,000 feet about 5 minutes earlier than the P-40E which was not, or barely, able, to reach that altitude, then, assuming the IJN escort has been distracted or is poorly positioned (a frequent occurrence), the P-40D has a pretty good chance of knocking down or putting a few rounds into a bomber. This level of success was an unusual event during the defense of Java or Darwin and never happened at all during the PI campaign. I believe it lends credence to the idea that the 6 gun fit was a real handicap in the early months of the war (over the PI and over Java and Darwin), when attempting to intercept IJN Raids. I doubt the P-40E's extra 2 guns was much of a handicap when encountering A6Ms at any altitude and assuming they worked may have paid for themselves in the increased lead throw-weight when they worked.