Sig upload

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Mar 20, 2007
Sig upload...


  • Sweet_Revenge.jpg
    23.5 KB · Views: 1,399
I try to upload pictures using the URL of the picture online, but they all fail! I've tried dozens of times, yet none of them work. Wait, let me guess. The pictures only work if they're in a photobucket account or something, right?
I'm just wodering if anyone can help me to simply upload a picture,
or to make a signature banner. I'd do it myself, but I don't have any programs that can do it. And I can't download anything either.
Uploading a pic from your home computer is no problem. After you write
your message, click on "go advanced" when the screen changes go down
a bit further to "manage uploads". A block will appear in the upper left,
and just tell the program where the pic is in your computer (I.E. C:\Test)
and tell it to "brouse". Another screen jumps up (in that folder) and
you select the file you wanna upload. Tell it to upload, X out of that screen
and go to "preview post". You'll see what you've done and be able to
edit/cancel whatever you want. I suggest you get your pic's down to
about 650 X 442 pixels. Otherwise they'll be too big.

If you like what you see, click on submit post.

I don't know about you, but I never see this "Manage Uploads" anywhere! I'm in Edit Signature, I'm using the Browsing thing at the bottom.
Go through this VERY SLOWLY. It always says Unable to save image.
hell, it's 600x311. I hate this...
See my original post. For Uploading PicturesYou have to hit "Go
Advanced" to see the "Manage Uploads" button. It's a little more complicated
for installing a siggy.

Les.... help the lad out...


I don't know about you, but I never see this "Manage Uploads" anywhere! I'm in Edit Signature, I'm using the Browsing thing at the bottom.
Go through this VERY SLOWLY. It always says Unable to save image.
hell, it's 600x311. I hate this...
Now I see.I would like to suggest another posibility.I've already write about it to Ccheese but I can do it once again for you.

1.Step one: Upload a pic you want to be your siggy at a new thread at "Signature/GeneralPicsUpload" section ( like I did for Ccheese ).If you don't know how to do it: click the "New thread" or "Post Reply" button that you can find at the bottom of almost each main windows.In a new opened window
you can input your text or if you click "Manage Attachments" button at "Additional Option" section which should be below,you open a new window where you can browse your HD and select a path to 5 pics ( in the window you find also the list of kind files you can upload and their max size).When you do it ,click "Upload"button and wait like the description in the window says.If anything will be O.K the description disappeares like the pathes.It means you can close the browser window with "X".Then you are back in previous window.There should be listed all uploaded files by you files below the "Manage Attachments" button.If yes,click "Submit Replay" or "Submit a New Thread" or something like that.:lol:
Ah... you can be obliged to enter a title at the top of the window in a "Title" line.
That's a little over my head. It's too much to jam into my brain at once.
where does all this happen? where does it start? I'm sorry, but it's very confusing... At least I have the picture loaded...
Oh I can see you have managed with the uploading :D Now it's working..Must I write the rest of the instruction?
I'm trying something here...
Well, at least I can do that...
what will the rest of the instructions do? And where do I start?
For right now, I just copied and pasted the URL.
J7W Shinden Rules!!! :D
Please continue. I'll try and keep up. Go step-by-step if you can.
2.Step two: When the pic has already been uploaded and you can see this normally, click on the pic with the right nouse button (right MB),in the opened context menu select "Properties".In the new opened window find line with the URL address and then click on it with the left MB and then press Ctrl+A on your keyboerd.The URL's address should become marked with another colour.If yes, press Ctrl+C to copy the address to computer memory.Do it now please. I'll be waiting.
You mean the URL was what's the word, Highlighted! I did control c.
that didn't do anything, so I clicked ok. So what does all this do?
Yes ,You had to click the text on right side the Address URL.So I believe you did it if the text got another colour.

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