As an aside, I have to say I loved visiting Singapore and immediately thought I could live here. Where I live in Toronto, Canada we have crumbling infrastructure, beggars and vagrants in our parks and blocking sidewalks, graffiti, litter, drug addicts and robberies. No where near what Seattle or San Francisco has, nor the shootings of American cities like Detroit or Chicago, but still. In Singapore everything works, there's no litter, no graffiti, no beggars, no homeless (Singaporeans are guaranteed housing, if your a non-Singaporean you're taken to the border and deported), and a real sense of order and yet still freedom.
In August 2018 I attended service at
St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore and the minister spoke of the Japanese bayoneting wounded soldiers and their attending doctors and nurses in this very church. I thought to myself, I hope some made it out before the final days.
I have to recommend a visit to the Battle Box and Fort Siloso to all history buffs.