Skyraiders Torpedo the Hwachon Dam....

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....

A torpedo-carrying Douglas AD-4 Skyraider of VA-195 on the way to strike the Hwachon Dam. The nose of the torpedo is surrounded by a plywood "drag ring" that slowed its flight and entry into the water, and a protective plywood box around the tailfins and propeller that would likewise break off on impact. U.S. Navy photo


A U.S. Navy Douglas AD-4 Skyraider from attack squadron VA-195 Dambusters is armed with three 2,000-pound bombs in March 1951. VA-195 was assigned to Carrier Air Group 19 (CVG-19) aboard the aircraft carrier USS Princeton. The Skyraider was flying a mission during the "Carlson´s Canyon", strikes on a railroad bridge across a canyon near Kilchu, in central North Korea. U.S. Navy photo

Skyraiders Torpedo the Hwachon Dam | Defense Media Network

The Last Aerial Torpedo Attack : Hwachon Dam Raid - Rebellion Research

How does a fella find out, which specific aircraft took part in these attacks? 🤨🤔
Just a minor Bumpelstilskin....


The Hwachon Dam in South Korea as pictured from what was probably CAG Merrick's F4U Corsair, during the torpedo
raid on May 1, 1951. National Archives photo


A strike photograph showing the successful torpedo attack by AD-4 Skyraiders against the Hwachon Dam in South Korea,
May 1, 1951. National Museum of Naval Aviation photo
Was that legal ?
I may be wrong, but I believe that attacking and destroying "water targets" such as dams was outlawed following the post WW2 studies of effects on life and infrastructure of the May, 1943 attack on the Ruhr dams by 617 Sqn, RAF.

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