Kit is a HobbyBoss 1:48 Me 262A-1a/U with aftermarket R4M racks and missiles added.
Fit is fantastic: engine pods and undernose panels are simply snapped on.
Comments and critiques welcome and encouraged.
Kit is finished save some final touch-up and lacquering (and getting a replacement rudder!).
Photos done with a (very) low-end basic cell phone.
Looking great. Well done. But I'm not sure about the underside colours that were found on Fw109Ds of the Platzschutzstaffel also known as the Papagei Staffel.
Looking great. Well done. But I'm not sure about the underside colours that were found on Fw109Ds of the Platzschutzstaffel also known as the Papagei Staffel.
No they weren't; I just like to use my own color schemes and thought a dark red version of the D-9s would look cool (pain in the butt to paint, though). I also used RLM 71 in place of RLM 74 (and I don't really care for the late-war 81, 82, and 83 schemes.)
Apparently the 6 nose guns was a planned U-pack (U5). The kit came with the four x4s (I had to move two to under the fuselage) and of course the 262 did use the r4ms. I figured that since the bomb clips for the 262A2 were under the nose (and even further forward than my X4s) that the weapon alignment I used should be at least reasonably feasible.