some damned fool keep knock my car window out!

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Jul 17, 2005
this is the damned second time already! first time he got my cd-player... this time he just knock out the window... arrrrrhhh....... what should i do about this??? dont say call cop, cuz they dont to anything about it.... is there someone can stop this kind of things?
Well, there is a long way, and a short way.

The long one is to buy a big dog (like a Husky) and, when he gets big enough, bring it with you in your car. When you get out of the car to do something (like shopping) you leave your dog in the car.

The short way is to do like in South-Africa (I think it's in South-Africa) and place a flame-thrower below both the driver's and the passenger's doors. When someone tries to break in, you get a free BBQ to feed your dogs with.
Yep Maestro that is South Africa. They also have devices that will electrocute anyone who tries to break in amoung other things.
The long one is to buy a big dog (like a Husky) and, when he gets big enough, bring it with you in your car. When you get out of the car to do something (like shopping) you leave your dog in the car

there's a way of making this long method short- insted of buying a dog then letting it grow- buy a dog that's already big! but then what heppens if they nick the dog ...............
A family friend who lived a few miles from my childhood home on Staten Island NY kept having his Cadillac broken into. One night he placed a very large "Bowie Knife" under the car's drivers seat, wedging the point right under the fanny portion of the drivers seat. One morning as he was ready to go to work he found his car with the door opened, the knife protruding from the ripped seat, and a trail of blood leading to the main boulevard, no sign of the would-be thief though. The break-ins stopped!
Id have fingerprint ID on the wheel and seats and dashboard...when the prints arent recognised, a dose of Potassium hydroxide is unleased upon the interior, rendering the theifs eyes and other vulnerable parts obsolescent...
arh well... my moms friend came n fixed the window... he only took 80$ lucky... cuz if other ppl came they might charge over 200$... this is the second time... so i am thinking that might be the same guy... Last time he forgot his screw driver on my seat,but took my cd-player. this time he broke the window, but didnt take anything. i think thats his "style". anyhow... if it is the same guy i might just change my car n parking sopt, yep

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