Somme / Normandy places to see

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Senior Master Sergeant
Dec 5, 2008
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How about incorporating some V-weapons sites into the tour? The site locations stretch from Calais to Cherbourg, so you'd be able to cherry pick the most promising sites along the way.

There are two "heavy" V-weapon sites in Calais which are enormous bunkers:

Blockhaus d'Éperlecques - Wikipedia

La Coupole - Wikipedia


Source: Wikipedia

They are feats of engineering in their own right, plus they offer some interesting history. The "La Coupole" / Wizernes site is a huge dome which was knocked off its foundation by a 12,000 lb Tallboy bomb during construction.

In the same region there is a quite complete "ski building" site (the earliest V-1 launch sites that were scattered along the French coastal regions):
France, Nord, Wallon-Cappel - Heavy V1 site

Many "ski" sites are strung along your entire trip - many tucked along country roads. If you mapped it all out ahead of time so as to reduce the chance of becoming lost, it could make for some nice country riding with at least a couple superb rest stops. There's way too much to see in one long weekend trip, but if the group finds it interesting - seeing more sites could be an incentive to make return trips.

If it sounds interesting, I can provide locations for the sites and reference material so you'll know what to look for at the sites.
RWW ARMY BOOK pg11.jpg
RWW ARMY BOOK pg17.jpg
BLAC CAT here in Canada. I am going to Arras, Somme, Vimy,Ypres foer 100th anniversary of end of hostilities WW1. Following route of my Grandfather's regiment, The 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles (4th CMR). Actually have an original Correspondence Book #152 from WW1.
Some entries were authored by my grandfather c/w map grid references which when armed with the appropriate map(s) which I also have and my trusty GPS will allow me to visit the exact spot at the exact same time where he was when he wrote a particular message at 00:35 hrs. Nov 4th 1919. Iwill of course have a wee dram (or two) to mark the occasion.
FYI early in the war the 4th CMR numbered 706 going into one battle and only 79 when it was over. I am lucky to actually be here on the planet.
Pretty spiffy looking officer....don't you think?roy2.jpg RWW ARMY BOOK pg11.jpg RWW ARMY BOOK pg17.jpg
Hey fella's thanks for your thoughts, very much appreciated.

Blac Cat, I too have a Field Office message book with a lot of stuff written two days after armistice. Awesome piece of history there and good luck with your visit !
My mate Mick (who you've met a couple of times) has been going to Ypres, Arras etc for the past four years, with a group from the village, tracing the last resting place of 'The Sutton Pals', men from the village who fell during WW1.
He's going again in September, although not sure of the dates - could be useful if it was the same time as you.
If I can get in touch in time (he works odd hours these days), I'll ask him to jot down a few places of interest.
In Normandy of course, you'll virtually have to pas the first building to be liberated, the Cafe Gondree, at Pegasus bridge, still owned by the same family, with a museum dedicated to the British Airborne troops who captured the bridge.
Airframes you probably mean that Geebee has met your friend Mike. I am too new to have met anybody....
Having said that my visit is oct 30 to Nov 13 so we are not likely to cross paths. I would really love to have some input as to the places to visit. Going on my own so absolutely no time constraints other than Nov 4th when will be visiting same spot as my g'father was at same day 100 years ago. Strange thought just popped into my tiny mind.....100 years ago was only 28 years before I was born. Actually never did the math before. WW1 seems a lot longer ago than that.
Roadtripping through Normandy is amazing. I've done it twice. Well three times if you count the High School trip. Amazing sites to see, great food, good wine.

Here is a thread from my last trip back in 2011. We went to Verdun though, not Somme.

Verdun and Normandy 2011
Yep, BC, I was replying to Gary.
I've spoken to Mick, and he's going to come round to see me mid week, and give me a list of places worth visiting in the Somme (he's actually going first week of October).
I'll post his suggestions here, possibly with some pics.
For the Normandy part of the tour, it may be worth getting the battlefield guide, by Major and Mrs Holt. These guides normally include maps, referenced to the various sites in the guide, which are fully described and explained.
Karl bought the one for Market Garden, but it arrived after we'd departed for Holland last year, when we visited Arnhem and Oosterbeek with Marcel and Sander.
I've finally heard from mick, and he's going to visit me on Thursday of this week, bringing with him the guide from last year's trip, which includes places and maps etc. covering Ypres and the Somme area.
If it's too large to post here, I'll e-mail it to you - please confirm that your e-mail address hasn't changed in the last couple of years !
I've finally heard from mick, and he's going to visit me on Thursday of this week, bringing with him the guide from last year's trip, which includes places and maps etc. covering Ypres and the Somme area.
If it's too large to post here, I'll e-mail it to you - please confirm that your e-mail address hasn't changed in the last couple of years !
No change! I am still me and so is my email....
Gary, I've now got a load of info from Mick re Ypres and the Somme area - I'll send you an e-mail, as it's too lengthy to post here.

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