Sonic Booms rock Western WA.

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Didnt the Israelis use sonic booms to smash windows as a means of harrassment back in the 60s or 70s?

Likely. I can tell you that we (US) did use SR-71s to fly over Nicaraqua to use their sonic booms to scare the current regime in the 1980s. It apparently put them on high alert because of the significant number of reports coming in of "an invasion with bombs and explosions".
I guarantee that low altitude sonic booms broke window panes. When I was 6-8, we lived on the base at Eglin - when the F-100 and the early 101/102's were going through the Air Proving Ground.

Later when dad went to Air War College, Command and Staff and Pentagon we lived off base and it took me a long time to adapt to quiet night sleeping.

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