Soviet Air Forces Alternate

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Chief Master Sergeant
Jun 25, 2013
Let's say that Stalin doesn't decide that those German troops massing on the German-Soviet border weren't there to pressure a better trade deal, and that he wasn't convinced that the US and UK were spreading disinformation by telling him that that Hitler was planning on moving east into the lands of the USSR (and the largely coincidental lands of the Russian Empire).

Leaving Stalin's paranoia in place (this wasn't unprecedented for rulers of the Russian Empire before its name change), so there were still those purges, but expanding his paranoia to include his buddy, adolf, what happens to Barbarossa?

What is the readiness state of the Soviet Air Forces?
Let's say that Stalin doesn't decide that those German troops massing on the German-Soviet border weren't there to pressure a better trade deal, and that he wasn't convinced that the US and UK were spreading disinformation by telling him that that Hitler was planning on moving east into the lands of the USSR (and the largely coincidental lands of the Russian Empire).

Leaving Stalin's paranoia in place (this wasn't unprecedented for rulers of the Russian Empire before its name change), so there were still those purges, but expanding his paranoia to include his buddy, adolf, what happens to Barbarossa?

What is the readiness state of the Soviet Air Forces?
It's not ready until 1942. Therefore, resist all provocations. Relocate some industry before they invade. Resist until overrun while you relocate the rest of your strategic industries. Shoot anyone who retreats. Basically, what happened.
Let's say that Stalin doesn't decide that those German troops massing on the German-Soviet border weren't there to pressure a better trade deal, and that he wasn't convinced that the US and UK were spreading disinformation by telling him that that Hitler was planning on moving east into the lands of the USSR (and the largely coincidental lands of the Russian Empire).

Leaving Stalin's paranoia in place (this wasn't unprecedented for rulers of the Russian Empire before its name change), so there were still those purges, but expanding his paranoia to include his buddy, adolf, what happens to Barbarossa?

What is the readiness state of the Soviet Air Forces?

Do you mean that USSR attacks first?

Soviet Air Force, Red Army, Soviet Navy, and other services were prepared for the war where USSR had an advantage and initial initiative. As in all earlier conflicts and wars in previous years starting from the Lake Khasan (Changkufeng) Incident in 1938.
"Prepared" did not mean well prepared or adequately prepared, of course. If the Red Army starts first, the results of further battles will probably be not much better then in real history where that army almost disappeared in relentless and unsuccessful (counter)attacks against the invaders in summer 1941.

Still, VVS in this scenario could fare somewhat better than in real life. Why so:
1. German ground troops would be busy with stopping the Soviet advance for some days so VVS bases would remain where they are in the initial stage. No widespread panic and desert which in real life resulted in the abandonment of hundreds if not thousands of aircraft. The inevitable retreat and relocation at the later stage could be better organized probably.
2. Soviet bombing force begins operations as per the book with massive fighter escort. General Kopets who commands the aviation of Western Front is alive and acts according to the operation plans well studied and tested during war games in 1941. (In real life, the General disappeared on the afternoon of June 22nd. His fate remains a mystery and the official Soviet version about suicide is disputed by modern historians). Less attrition rate, higher morale, no collapse of the command chain. No urgent need to throw DB-3/DB-3F bombers into suicidal low altitude day raids.
3. Fighter aircraft losses are probably as high as in reality but they are spread through the longer period and there are more losses in the air combat than on the airfield (bombed or abandoned). Therefore, higher attrition of Luftwaffe.

The end result for VVS after 2-3 months would be bad anyway. But not a catastrophe of real 1941.

All the above in my very humble opinion.
In this case, I'm not positing the USSR attacks the Germans first; Stalin may consider that as politically and strategically undesirable.

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