Soviet T-10

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Staff Sergeant
Feb 23, 2005
The Rare Soviet tank T -10 -

The tank at the pic in the 1st post is not T-10; T-10 can trace the lineage back to IS series, and even to KV series.

Tank on the pic is the so-called "Swamp tank", Kubinka tank museum has one.
The tank at the pic in the 1st post is not T-10; T-10 can trace the lineage back to IS series, and even to KV series.

Tank on the pic is the so-called "Swamp tank", Kubinka tank museum has one.
Exactly Obyekt 279, see Obyekt 279 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
or better (russian only)
"?????? 279″ - ???? ???????????? , C???????????? ???????
 ïîèñêàõ èäåàëà? Ñîâåòñêèå îïûòíûå òÿæåëûå òàíêè. (article abou soviet heavy tanks, Obyekt 279 at end of page)

T-10 here (russian only)
Òÿæåëûé òàíê Ò-10 - ïîñëåäíèé ïî ñïèñêó, íî íå ïî çíà÷åíèþ!

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