Spitfire Mk XIV Racing Spit

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ian holmes

Aug 12, 2014
Could any one out there know of or information on the spitfire.
SPITFIRE MKXIV in racing livery.jpg
G-Fire was owned by Spencer Flack, and painted in his Corporate colours, as were his other aircraft, including his Sea Fury.
The Spit was normally flown at displays in the 1980's by Pete Thorn, ex- BBMF, and son of Bill Thorn, the AVRO test pilot, killed in a Tudor crash.
As Pete and I knew each other through doing lectures on the BBMF, I was happy to get a short ride, on the wing root of G-Fire, when I used to look after marshalling and ground movement s at my local air show.
The aircraft is now in the USA, with a 'N' reg, and, I believe, now wears camouflage colours. It was also fitted, when in the UK, with strobes in the gun ports, which Peter heartily disliked !

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