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Chief Master Sergeant
Apr 15, 2011
Plymouth, England

I came across these pictures of my beloved Spitfire and thought I'd share them with you.
I may be slightly biased but, there is no more evocative fighter and the 'Tuck's Luck' one is particularly good

I can only imagine the feelings of fuzzy warmth enjoyed by the crew as they looked out the windows of the Lanc in the first photo. I just hope their target on that occasion was just beyond an invasion beach or was a coastal site so they would have enjoyed the company of their benevolent companions throughout the flight.

Airplane as art indeed!
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I can only imagine the feelings of fuzzy warmth enjoyed by the crew as they looked out the windows of the Lanc in the first photo. I just hope their target on that occasion was just beyond an invasion beach or was a coastal site so they would have enjoyed the company of their benevolent companions throughout the flight.

Airplane as art indeed!

Probably not that far into Europe as you say Mal. But, as England's guardian angels they are without peer.

The Picture is 'Escort for the Straggler'

Just "slightly" biased ?

Some predjudices can be understood, may be justified and can be forgiven... In this case, I think all three. :) But I would have to agree with your observation, "slightly biased " is in keeping with the oft recognized English talent for understatement. A charming attribute I might add.
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Now that's what a proper fighter aircraft looks like. If it had a hub cannon it would be about perfect.

Speaking of hub cannons...
France and Germany both made hub cannon work. Why didn't Britain?
Battle of Britain, more enemy aircraft shot down by Hurricanes than Spitfires 55% compared to 42%, just my two pennorth.

I do however think that the Spitfire was overall more adaptable and of course had a much longer service life. Whenever I hear a Merlin Engine I always look to see what it is.

So in conclusion, both great aircraft, without them us in the Uk might be speaking German. But Hurricane still my favourite.
Now that's what a proper fighter aircraft looks like. If it had a hub cannon it would be about perfect.

Speaking of hub cannons...
France and Germany both made hub cannon work. Why didn't Britain?

The Merlin was in the way dave. I'm pretty sure that the hub cannon was never on the agenda for a Spitfire.

Whenever I hear a Merlin Engine I always look to see what it is.

So in conclusion, both great aircraft, without them us in the Uk might be speaking German. But Hurricane still my favourite.

Yes, we owe the Hurricane a great deal. A proper warhorse.
Flown by the great Stanford Tuck amongst others.

If the RAF wrote design specifications for the Merlin engine they have no one to blame but themselves.

Perhaps Britain should have hired a French consulting firm to help the RAF get the Merlin engine design right. :)
If the RAF wrote design specifications for the Merlin engine they have no one to blame but themselves.

Perhaps Britain should have hired a French consulting firm to help the RAF get the Merlin engine design right. :)

Hired a Frenchman? I think not dave. We wanted a engine that worked :lol:

as an Englishman i'm not allowed to dislike the Spitfire but the Hurricane is my fave of the two

Its a free country Karl ( well at 1931 hrs it still is :lol:) We should celebrate both fighters.
I love the Spitfire more than any other.

I am already a big fan of both the Hurricane and Spitfire (as you know!) and happy to declare it. But for God's sake do not under any circumstances reveal this to any other ex-colonial.

One of my favorite films is the 1942 First of the Few with Leslie Howard as R.J. I once referred to the Spitfire story in a local radio interview (discussing spaceflight) as a classic example of far-sighted technology investment that paid huge national dividends. It's just a great story about a great airplane.
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