Stealth and Situational Awareness

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Senior Airman
Oct 17, 2007
Nelspruit, Mpumalanga
Pardon my English

With today's technology planes become invisible on radar, from ground and in air, NOW........

will pilots become like their WW2 fore runners in really dogfighting again. Imagine 2 countries got stealth planes, no one can "see"(stealth) the other on radar, so it is back to the eyes for visual regonition. maybe beyond visual victories is something of the past?
Perhaps - there are also ways to counter stealth technology - IR imaging for one. It may not be that cut and dry but there may be other "methods" to give a pilot "beyond visual range" capability without the use of radar.

Interesting you should say, " . . . back to the eyes for visual recognition".

A few months ago, F-22's participated in their first Red Flag exercise out in Nevada, just north of Las Vegas. Up until now (well, since the late '70's anyway) the F-15 had been "king of the hill", and nearly unbeatable, except by simply overwhelming them with numbers. That all changed when the Raptor showed up. F-15 pilots claimed they could see the Raptor with their ole Mark I Mod 0 eyeball before their powerful APG-63 radar could pick them up. The Ego drivers claimed they were being shot down left and right by the Raptors, and they didn't even know there were any F-22's in the neighborhood. The Raptor pilots said it was like "shooting fish in a barrel".
I'm waiting for the day when the next detection gizmo comes out, and stealth becomes useless. You know, a sort of improvement like radar vs listening stations.

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