Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks Plan New WWII Mini-Series about airmen

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Sounds interesting. Can't see it being like '12 o' Clock High' though - that was more a study of the requirements of leadership, and is screened as such at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. From the brief description, this looks more like a USAAF equivalent of the previous two mini-series.
Just for once I'd like to see something from the German side. Kind of like a ' Das Boot ' of the air.

I'm sure it'll be watchable though. Personally I think Tom Hanks finest hour was the mini series " From The Earth To The Moon "
It'll be great if they do use as much real aircraft footage as possible, CGI is very good nowadays but you can't beat the real thing.
Interesting, but Manston seems a slightly odd choice (apart from, perhaps, financially), as the current airfield, and the surroundings, bear little resemblance today to a WW2 airfield. I'm not totally up-to date on the state of recently closed RAF airfields, but some of them which have not already become civil fields, will still be on 'Care and Maintenance', meaning the infrastructure is still in place and, with movie 'magic' could be transformed into a WW2 airfield relatively easily, as Binbrook was for 'Memphis Belle'.
I look forward to seeing how things turn out.
Hope you had a good holiday Roman. I've not been too good this last couple of months - lots of pain, stiffness, and lack of sleep. But I think I'm beginning to slowly improve, so hopefully I can get 'out and about' soon.

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