Strange Airplanes from WWII

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Airman 1st Class
Aug 21, 2016
What's you favorite strange airplane from WWII? Plenty of choices, but here's one of mine: the Zveno composite bomber / fighter. The Z-1 was designed to carry up to three fighters into battle for self protection or for extended range strikes, it was successful enough that the Soviets developed the project into the Aviamatka Z-6, which could carry five fighters. The Z-7 actually saw combat, carrying two dive bombers. Check out the linked article and imagine the crews' reactions when they were assigned to this duty.

I have seen one with 5 parasite aircraft, but I think the 5th one joined after it was airborne. There is a book i have that is all about these flying airplane carriers called: Vakhmistrov's Circus: Zveno Combined Aircraft - The Projects, Development, Testing and Combat
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Pffft those are all run of the mill conventional. I give you an aeroplane that is hard to tell which way its pointing the Miles M39B Libullela

It was built as a 5/8th scale proof of concept for a twin jet engined bomber which was cancelled as it wouldnt have flown before the war was over.

Antanov A40 flying tank Consisted of a T60 tankette. It did fly once but the tow plane had to cut it loose because of excessive drag. I immagine with more streamlining and engine power it might have worked. Current Russian practice is to paratroop BMP-1 complete with crew. Works well.
It's not a contest but a flying tank? Winner.

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