No bomber, Axis or Allied including jet bombers deployed during WW2 were uninterceptable.
Some came pretty close. mosquitoes had a loss rate never exceededing 1.5 % in the last 1.5 years of the war. Dont know what the AR 234s were but it would have to be so low as to be virtually uninterceptbale. Virtually everybody could operate reecon aircraft throughout the war with a great deal of impunity. And in 1944 a few more high quality recon aircraft would have made a huge difference to the heer, by then needed all the intell it could get its hads on....
Germany's days of mounting massed raids were over by 1944. That was what hitler wanted, and it was as unrealistic as Gallands strategy. What strategies are open to a nation that can no longer make an effective challenge in the air? Certainly not massed fleets of bombers, but equally, certainly not spending more than half your national defence resources on building fighters that either never flew or were totally inneffective in their stated mission.
I think the Viet Minh had the right idea when faced with a similar situation...dont even try to challenge the enemy's control of the air. Make life uncomfortable for him, by all means, but why waste resources (masses of them) trying to achieve the impossible? Better to spend your money elsewhere.
There are obvious counter arguments to that, but none of them stand up to close scrutiny.
Argument 1: The Germans had no way of knowing the allies were coming in such force in 1944
Answer: yes they did....but all levels of their leadership, including the prefessional soldiers, chose to stick their heads in the sand and ignbore the cold hard reality they were facing. Germany had very good intel on US production from 1942, and knew what her industry was capable of. Yet they simply failed to plan out their response at all effectively.
Argument 2 : not building fighters would have see German industry decimated
Answer: Not true, at least, not much more true than happened historically. in fact the numbers of bombers arriving over Germany if there were no fighters, or few fighters, would be not much more than it was historically. if the monthly average of bombers being destroyed because of the massive effort by the Germans amounted to 1% of the bombers sent (with say 10% aborts due to the fighters) , then no fighters will see 100% of bombers arriving over the target....a paltry increase of just 11% of bombers stopped for all that effort. Fighters dont affect bombing accuracy as much as flak does (and cause a lot of bombers to actually release not over the target) , so why not abandon or severely cut back fighters, cut your losses (as the German) save what you can of your industry, and fight 3 or six months longer than historical.
The people who absolutely needed fighters werent the germans, it was the allies.....The unescorted raids in 1943 had shown what happened to their bombers if not provided with safe skies to fly in