Been reading, following, and posting on the thread "Accuracy" and thought I would like to hear some opinions on the two types of bombing. Can you break an enemies "moral" or "will to fight" by carpet or fire bombing entire areas or cities? Is it cost effective? When does such bombing become Genocide" Is it better to strike small "nerve center" targets military or civilian, command posts, supply depots, generating centers, water supply, etc.
From my experience in Vietnam I feel that attrition of any type short of genocide does not work and only hardens the enemy. The VC and NVA had been at war for 20 years and had whole cities under-ground, had hollowed out whole mountains, were experts in camouflage moving whole trees or lashing their tops together to make truck parks. They had been bombed for 20 years and were still in business.
Did the fire bombing of Dresden shorten the war by even one day? We could have hit Hanoi and bombed it into a large crater and erased the port. Would that have ended the war?
In the Mid-East we saw Stealth bombers with guided bombs go in, take out carefully selected targets just prior to the invasion. That invasion was practically unopposed.
To use an allegory: I don't have to kill every cell in your body to kill you. Just a small bundle in you heart will stop the entire organ
From my experience in Vietnam I feel that attrition of any type short of genocide does not work and only hardens the enemy. The VC and NVA had been at war for 20 years and had whole cities under-ground, had hollowed out whole mountains, were experts in camouflage moving whole trees or lashing their tops together to make truck parks. They had been bombed for 20 years and were still in business.
Did the fire bombing of Dresden shorten the war by even one day? We could have hit Hanoi and bombed it into a large crater and erased the port. Would that have ended the war?
In the Mid-East we saw Stealth bombers with guided bombs go in, take out carefully selected targets just prior to the invasion. That invasion was practically unopposed.
To use an allegory: I don't have to kill every cell in your body to kill you. Just a small bundle in you heart will stop the entire organ