Staff Sergeant
The Russians though have been giving some of these away to other Airforces, Indonesia has got them, and the RAAF has vitually lost our only effective fighter against them- the F-111. There needs to be more fighters like it however, no-one has tackled the problem of creating a fighter just as good. It is okay for the Americans as they have a lot of money, Airforce bases etc. everywhere to defend themselves but Australia doesn't and therefore Australia needs the long-range fighters. Even aerial refueling doesn't really work that well in extending the FA-18s reach over the whole of Australia. The F-111 is a proven aircraft, and we won't get its replacement until 2015 or more- an aircraft designed to replace the F/A-18 Hornet in US service. Therefore it is doubtful whether it will meet Australia's need for a long-range fighter. Maybe it is time Australia started shoping around rather than going straight to the US. Russia being a country with areas similar to Australia in remoteness may have what Australia needs to use to maintain an effective airforce. Australia's F-111 will also be retired before the replacement is due in service, leaving us without this capability. Some of the airforces on Australia's back door-step are armed with this aircraft as well as other Soviet designs.