Sukhoi Su-27 executing Cobra maneuver

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You're allowing yourself to be set up as a sitting duck if this is performed with distance between you and your adversary. If this is done to shake an adversary and it works, they were too close and too slow to begin with. Like the old saying "speed if life," this maneuver is impracticable in 99.9% of possible combat scenarios.
Exactly right. There is some advantage from the era this maneuver was created during the times when leading edge radars were doppler radars. A fighter's ability to kinematically maneuver at a 90deg angle from an adversary might result in a "loss of lock".

An end all to end all maneuver? Not so much for BVR. A maneuver for knife fighting? Maybe, but it would be the proverbial WWII "cut the throttle and let your enemy pass by" for a stall situation snap shot. How likely is that to occur.

A Hollywood myth. But that is a different thread isn't it.

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