Sunderland Vs Catalina

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and you call yourself an englishman, indeed, 'old bean' is a well like phrase round here chappy and yes, the sunderland was better 8) but look! no-ones argueing with us because its true 8) so lets hark back to the good ol' days and spam
Cat - longer range, more versatile, more successful at sinking U-boats (the Sunderland's main duty), and probably the equal at defending itself (fewer guns, but heavier).
And all that equals Cat, better.

You lot have sets for Geography? We didn't we just had sets for Science and Maths, which I was top in both.
But you haven't put forth any true arguments as to why the Sunderland should be considered better in a while. Fact: The Cat had longer range, ie. endurance. Fact: The Cat was more versatile, patrol, torp bombing, night bombing, barge-busting. Fact: The Cat sank more U-boats. There are three good reasons why the Cat was better.
Ok, Lanc, even if you discount that (which I don't think you should), you still haven't given me a reason why the Sunderland was better.
I don't need to be here on LGs side, but I am. The Cat sinking more U-Boats equals more damage to enemy, therefore more effective than the Sunderland.

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