Sunderland Vs Catalina

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I don't really consider it better armed. The Cat had 3 .50cals and 2 .30cals in defensive postitions plu 4 .50cals for strafing.
Each .50cal on the Cat was roughly equal to 2 .303s so the difference isn't that great. And besides, it's not as if either plane was going to run into many German aircraft over the Atlantic.
I wouldn't say one .50cal is equal to two .303cal. So, the Sunderland is stronger, and better armed. The Cat had better range, better combat record and more versatile.
The B-25 Roc was the greatest plane of the war, without a doubt. No other plane could have served as better target practice to the Luftwaffe.

The Cat still had longer range, and better combat record. And all these could haves, they didn't though did they?
no, because it wasnt need for them.

and the reason why the roc was so great was because it was a decoy, the 190's would all go after them whilst we came behind them in our hurricanes and spits and shot the hell out of 'em
The Cat still had a better range and better combat record. The Cat was better at U-boat sinking, which was the Sunderlands role.

That's a nice thought on the Roc but Luftwaffe pilots weren't tunnel sighted. And it would have been a very awkward manuver with the slow speed of the Roc, it would be there long after the Spitfires and Hurricanes, not an effective decoy.
I wouldn't like to be the bait though.
And it would have been a very awkward manuver with the slow speed of the Roc, it would be there long after the Spitfires and Hurricanes, not an effective decoy.

the brits would proberly be so ashamed to fight on the same side as the Roc that after they'd shot down the germans, they'd start on the Rocs............
Could we call it a dogfight? You'd expect exciting twists and turns, speed and high Gs in a dogfight. With them you'd have slow moving planes, with a 5 mile turning radius ( ). More like a tortoisefight.

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