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A58-216. F.VC LZ848. Arrived in Australia on SS Brisbane Star 30/06/43.Rec 1AP ex UK 08/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 19/07/43. Rec 14ARD RP ex 1AD. 27/07/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 14ARD RP 01/08/43. Coded DL-U as LZ848. Accident 09/08/43 when engine cut out on take-off from Strauss Strip causing the aircraft to be forced landed back on strip. Pilot; F/Lt Thompson Serv#65563 RAF not injured. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 02/09/43. Rec 14ARD RP ex 7RSU 15/02/44. Rec 15ARD RP ex 14ARD RP 11/03/44. Rec 15ARD ex 15ARD RP 12/03/44. Rec 15ARD RP ex 15ARD 10/05/44. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD RP 20/05/44. Coded UP-J. Rec 12RSU ex 79Sqn RAAF 07/12/44. Allotted 6AD ex 12RSU 25/09/45. Canc. Surveyed 12RSU per File#9/18/240 Min#2 01/11/45. AMSE approval to convert on site 12RSUD per File #9/16/2995 and converted to components 18/12/45. Pics held 54Sqn RAF and 79Sqn RAAF.

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