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Actually the Supermarine Seafire Mk.IIC. On the eve of the Operation Torch landings, some Seafires had blue and the USA white star roundels painted. The seen one is the remnant of the US marking.

A couple of screenshots ...

the pic source: Seafire Ib markings, Torch
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That's one for fubar57 . Pity that you cant see the last letter.
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Supermarine Spitfire fighters at Castle Bromwich shadow factory.

RobWed: If I understand the contract documentation correctly these planes were part of an order of Mark IIs and Mk IIIs that were then to be Mk VCs with the three planes in front becoming Mk VBs. That would explain the part camouflage and the unpainted cowling, fuel tank covers, and wing root as a consequence of the installation of the Merlin 45s. Nice to see a shot with the radio panel open, presumably awaiting installation of the radio.

BL735 made it through the war, being struck of charge on 31 January 1946.

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So, this is Bf 109 G-6 Wr.Nr. 15270, a very early G-6 built by Erla at Liepzig in mid March 1943. So, this was a very new type and new built machine when captured in July 1943
at Comiso. Pictures show it with tailwheel and left mainwheel missing when captured. Also, it had MG 151/20 Gondola cannons, the right one was pictured removed at capture.
So, this aircraft was otherwise complete and it's lack of (new types) spare wheels probably saved it from being messed-about, as it was then returned to UK and flown as VX101 on test.

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