Jim Six: Defenders hope to help warriors in transition | NJ.com
Defenders hope to help warriors in transition
By Jim Six/South Jersey Times
on January 17, 2013 at 5:00 AM, updated January 17, 2013 at 5:07 AM
This news organization has often covered the triumphant return of local sons and daughters returning from the war, wherever the war happened to be.
There are often great photographs of huge American flags hanging from 85-foot-tall ladders on fire trucks as crowds of well-wishers gather to let the veterans know just how proud of them we all are.
This news organization has also covered the more somber return of GIs who died in the field, passing from this physical world in the uniform of the military of the United States of America, transiting to whatever Valhalla there is for fallen warriors.
This news organization has less frequently covered the return of those GIs whose status falls in the middle, those who were lucky enough to survive, but who returned wounded in some way.
We shouldn't forget about them.
The Defenders South Jersey 2 Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club agrees.
The Defenders has 55 chapters nationwide, three of which are in New Jersey.
Les "Hanshi" Whinna is the secretary of the South Jersey chapter. The Defenders is, by its own bylaws, made up of 70 percent active or retired law enforcement riders and 30 percent active or retired military members. First responders who aren't cops can also join.
The South Jersey Defenders is planning a beef-and-beer event at Masso's in Williamstown on March 16. Typical beef-and-beer — there will be 450 tickets at $25 a pop, but the Defenders will only get a few bucks from that. Auctions — one member is or was an auctioneer, so it might not be a silent auction. Prizes. Giveaways.
Les wants people to just pony up a few bucks, if they can. They'd like to be able to make a big donation when this is all over.
Where's the money going?
It's staying in South Jersey: the Warriors Transition Unit at Fort Dix. It will be spent for GIs who are transitioning out of the military because of injuries, or who are trying the get back to being healthy enough to remain in the service.
The South Jersey Defenders chapter has about 30 members, said Les, and most of them live in Gloucester County. This organization doesn't mess around. New members must go through three-months of probation and survive a criminal background check — one of their newest members is a former police chief and he hasn't been officially approved yet, said Les.
"Last year, we did a poker run," he said. Trouble is, motorcycle poker runs are dependent on good weather, so the organization decided to do just this beef-and-beer event this year.
Les is serious about getting as many donations as possible — for prizes or good old cash — in addition to the ticket sales.
"We would like to give (the Warrior Transition Unit) $10,000 and that's the bottom line," he said.
If you'd like to buy tickets or donate, contact Defenders South Jersey 2 at P.O. Box 2826, Vineland, NJ 08362, call 856-494-4128 or send an email to
Oh, they'll take your credit card.
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