Sweden here I come.....

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Terry, I have a slight concern that Jan is off stalking Agnetha Fältskog again.... we may have to fly over and save our friend from himself.
Or, we can sit and laugh
What do you suggest?
Quite right old bean...will be a visit to my three locals while here, Sir Winston Churchill, Bishops Arms and Dalwhinnie's....I know, doesn't sound very Swedish do they?
Now, if Jan could bring back Agnetha for me, I would be extremely grateful!!
In fact, I'd be so grateful, I'd buy a round for the whole forum. OK, maybe not the whole forum, but for all the regulars!
But I think my wallet is safe - there's more chance of me owning and flying a full squadron of Spitfires ....
Give him another few days, and he won't be able to tell talk from stutter (British residents of 'a certain age' will identify the TV ad which inspired the phrase!).
The real Stella Artois, in Belgium or France, is rather nice. But the muck brewed over here, rightly known as 'Wife Beater', is chemical filth, far removed from the real stuff.
The real Stella Artois, in Belgium or France, is rather nice. But the muck brewed over here, rightly known as 'Wife Beater', is chemical filth, far removed from the real stuff.

I have never heard that phrase I must admit.
Amstel is rather good too.
I usually drink bottled Stella and I had stupidly assumed that it was all brewed in Belgium...

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