1st Lieutenant
The closest I have come to buying the farm occurred one day in 1976-77. It was about 1600 and I was driving on I-40 between Tinker AFB and Shawnee, OK. I was on my way to a flying lesson.
They were resurfacing the Eastbound lanes on I-40 and had routed all the Eastbound traffic onto what usually was the the Left Westbound lane. There was a solid bumper-to-bumper line of cars in the Right Westbound lane. They had lowered the speed limit to 45 MPH but of course the idiots were ignoring that. I was doing 50 and had a woman in a big car tailgating me closely and another big car tailgating her almost as close.
I looked up ahead and saw what I at first assumed was an optical illusion. It seemed that the road was curved so that a truck appeared to be heading Westbound in my lane. Then I realized it was no illusion. There really was a truck headed the wrong way down the highway, right at me.
He started blowing his horn. Clearly, he was not stopping, nor just going around a stalled car in the Westbound lane.
When I first saw the truck I was on a bridge, nowhere to go. I crossed the bridge, swerved around a "Safe Driving" sign and got over off the Right edge of the road. Did you ever notice that the Left lanes on Interstate highways have no real shoulder?
It was a box truck, the cab over engine kind, and the driver was a white guy with an Afro haircut. And he was not even slowing down. He passed me no more than 2 sec after I got over.
I looked in the rear view mirror. The idiot woman tailgating me had pulled over as well. The car behind her had done a 90 degree turn and was at right angle to the highway, in the median.
I got back on the road and the idiot woman was tailgating me again.
I saw no evidence of a huge wreck on the highway on the way back so I guess the guy in the truck had not gone head on into anyone after running me off the road.
Over 10 years later, in October 1988, I was driving along that same stretch of I-40 and was dismayed to find that they were resurfacing that same stretch of Eastbound road, again, with the traffic once more routed into the Westbound lane. That time I made it through without incident, but I wondered how I could be so lucky as to get to do that twice.
They were resurfacing the Eastbound lanes on I-40 and had routed all the Eastbound traffic onto what usually was the the Left Westbound lane. There was a solid bumper-to-bumper line of cars in the Right Westbound lane. They had lowered the speed limit to 45 MPH but of course the idiots were ignoring that. I was doing 50 and had a woman in a big car tailgating me closely and another big car tailgating her almost as close.
I looked up ahead and saw what I at first assumed was an optical illusion. It seemed that the road was curved so that a truck appeared to be heading Westbound in my lane. Then I realized it was no illusion. There really was a truck headed the wrong way down the highway, right at me.
He started blowing his horn. Clearly, he was not stopping, nor just going around a stalled car in the Westbound lane.
When I first saw the truck I was on a bridge, nowhere to go. I crossed the bridge, swerved around a "Safe Driving" sign and got over off the Right edge of the road. Did you ever notice that the Left lanes on Interstate highways have no real shoulder?
It was a box truck, the cab over engine kind, and the driver was a white guy with an Afro haircut. And he was not even slowing down. He passed me no more than 2 sec after I got over.
I looked in the rear view mirror. The idiot woman tailgating me had pulled over as well. The car behind her had done a 90 degree turn and was at right angle to the highway, in the median.
I got back on the road and the idiot woman was tailgating me again.
I saw no evidence of a huge wreck on the highway on the way back so I guess the guy in the truck had not gone head on into anyone after running me off the road.
Over 10 years later, in October 1988, I was driving along that same stretch of I-40 and was dismayed to find that they were resurfacing that same stretch of Eastbound road, again, with the traffic once more routed into the Westbound lane. That time I made it through without incident, but I wondered how I could be so lucky as to get to do that twice.