I once told a local rag, for a modest fee, mind you, that I would be happy to review any article they might be preparing for print, home-grown, or off the wire, for accuracy in terminology or nomenclature, but they did not like that, This, even after pointing out their errors in the previous six months.
Ain't no fixing stupid.
You run across it everywhere . . . Miami Herald prints an article about a local gent who was one of the SBD drivers striking the Japanese carriers at Midway . . . except he was not. Great story, but, alas. Took me all of about 15 seconds to say,"huh?" and start checking on it when it was obvious, from the story, that he's never been decorated with the Navy Cross. If you were flying an SBD and dropped out of the sky on one or more Japanese carriers at Midway you got the Navy Cross.