Tamiya 1/50 Type-0 ( PETE ) Seaplane

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Hi Guys!

To all members from USA, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY.

Thanks for all the encouragement.

Maglar asked how the seawater was simulated. It was sort of an experiment. With the Rufe, I used a square Styrofoam base and built the surface up with wood filler to create the single wave. When dried, I wrapped the entire base with cooking foil. I sprayed the wrapped base with Tamiya clear blue and green and left it to dry. The foil with the coat of clear clear blue and green will will give the a nice reflective effect later without the need to tint the resin water.

The next day, I mounted the base onto the black plastic plate that was provided with the Tamiya kit and used strips of Balsa wood for the side walls. After marking the position of the float, a hole was drilled through the base to accommodate the wires from the motor. The Rufe was fixed onto the base with white glue and attention was given to seal the area of the drilled hole . Left to set overnight, the white glue hardens to a transparent form.

Now comes the fun part, I poured sufficient Woodland's still water to cover the foil area. I made sure that the viscous liquid coated the raised surfaces of the foil especially the simulated wave. This method saves on the amount of resin water required.

The splashes and water trails was created using stretched clear sprue. Cut into various lengths, each rod was gently bent and then coated with white glue and left to cure. the process was repeated several times until the desired effect was achieved. Each simulated water splash and trail was glued to specific areas of the float with ....... white glue. All other water effects was done with..... white glue. When totally dried, white acyclic paint was applied on certain areas to simulate foam.

I tried creating water splashes with Woodland's water effect resin but it dried to a straw colored rubbery strip . White glue was the real choice. Cheap and good ( my opinion ).

For the Black Cat diorama, I used baking foil with sufficient crumple to represent gentle waves. The foil was coated with Tamiya clear blue and green. The Black Cat diorama was my first attempt to simulate seawater ( on the cheap without resin water ). Looked OK from far but did not measure when viewed closer .

Once apon a time.....I wanted to combine art and modeling....so this is what happened

I recently acquired a fairly old(it is in Japanese) 1/48 scale rendition of the Pete. I'd like to "dress it out". Are there any detail drawings available(engine, under the cowl, cockpit, flying wire attachment closeups, that sort of thing), as well as alternate color details?

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