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Senior Master Sergeant
Jun 15, 2005
Deep in suburban Surrey
As part of my general WW1 theme, I have some tanks...

The A7V entered service with the German Army in 1918. 100 had been ordered but only 20 were delivered before the war ended.

The A7V was designed in response to the British Tank Mk I but using a vastly different concept which was faster but much poorer cross-country.

There was a crew of up to 17 soldiers. The A7V weighed 33 tons and was armed with 1 x 57mm cannon and 6 x 7.92mm machine guns.

This example is an A7V of the German Army 1918.


This example is an A7V of the German Army 1918.


This example is an A7V of the German Army 1918.

The Mark I Tank was the first combat tank in the world. It entered service with the British Army in 1916.

Two versions were made: The 'Male' had 2 x 6 pounder cannon and 3 x Hotchkiss machine guns. The 'Female' had 4 x Vickers machine guns and 1 x Hotchkiss machine gun.

Both had a crew of 8, and a top speed of around 6mph. The 'Male' weighed 28 tons, and the 'Female' 27 tons.

This example is a MK I Female of the Tank Corps 1916.


This example is a MK I Male of the Tank Corps 1916.


This example is a MK IV Female of the Tank Corps 1917.


This example is a MK IV Male of the Tank Corps 1917.

The Mark I Tank was the first combat tank in the world. It entered service with the British Army in 1916.

Two versions were made: The 'Male' had 2 x 6 pounder cannon and 3 x Hotchkiss machine guns. The 'Female' had 4 x Vickers machine guns and 1 x Hotchkiss machine gun.

Both had a crew of 8, and a top speed of around 6mph. The 'Male' weighed 28 tons, and the 'Female' 27 tons.

I remember reading about a "hermaphrodite" which had 1 x 6 pounder, in one sponson, and machine guns (2 Vickers) in the other. Is my memory playing tricks, again?

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