TBF/M -1/C Air Speed correction chart

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Jan 1, 2016
Decatur, AL
Hello everyone....I'm looking for the air speed correction chart for the early Avengers. A friend of mine looked through the -1C manual and said he couldn't find it. Anyone happen to know where I can find a copy of one? Thanks in advance.....
Hello everyone....I'm looking for the air speed correction chart for the early Avengers.

This isn't for an early Avenger, but since nobody has replied, and on the theory that something is better than nothing, here are the airspeed installation correction tables for the TBM-3:

Flaps and landing gear retracted
100 knots, subtract 4 knots
140 knots, subtract 3 knots
180 knots, subtract 2 knots
220 knots, subtract 1 knot

Flaps and landing gear extended
70 knots, subtract 6 knots
80 knots, subtract 6 knots
90 knots, subtract 4 knots
100 knots, subtract 4 knots
110 knots, subtract 3 knots

From "Pilot's Handbook of Flight Operating Instructions, Navy Model TBM-3 Airplane," 1 November 1945.
Thanks Joe! Your right, some information is better than none! What I really need is a scanned copy of the actual card for the early Avengers. I have what I believe is an XTBF-1 instrument panel. I'm working with the Smithsonian (and many other museums) to prove or disprove it. I'm trying to populate it will all proper instruments including the air speed correction card. Some manuals have the cards in them, some don't. Unfortunately the -3 doesn't have the same correction card holder (or card for that matter) on the main instrument panel.
Thanks so much for the reply.....good info....
Yes, that is what I was looking for. I actually found it yesterday searching old threads. But you are exactly right. Thank you so much for those of you who took the time to try and find it. VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!!!! Here is my XTBF-1, #1 panel. Complete after a year of research. Still working with the Smithsonian and other museums to prove it in black and white.
DI and AHI are not what would have been in it but alternate part numbers.....ASI would have probably been the black face version (which I have) but haven't swapped it out yet. As far as I know (researching) there wasn't an instrument in the far right cut out. But not 100% sure yet. Check list gauge has wrong knob on it. I need a check list gauge (or replacement knob), Navy Mark I-A directional gyro and Navy Mark II Artificial Horizon indicator to make it absolutely correct.

BTW..….if anyone knows where I can get the previously mentioned instruments to make this panel complete ( and accurate) please let me know. Will pay up for them.
Thanks so much...

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