"The Aviation Historian" - New Aviation History Magazine Available from the UK

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Jul 25, 2007
Cambridgeshire, England
My dear old Mum bought me a subscription to "The Aviation Historian" a new quarterly aviation history "magazine" (more like a mini-book - the first edition is about the same size as one of the Osprey books). I received the first installment today and I have to say the overall quality is excellent both in terms of production quality and content. The first issue covered such broad topics as:

Spitfires wearing German markings (post-war)
"Tragedy of Flight 3" - the crash of a DC-3 that killed actress Carole Lombard
EE Lightnings intercepting U-2As over the UK in 1962
Gladiators and Harts in the Finnish Winter War
"Flying the Furrow" - the creation of a "trench" from Cairo to Baghdad in the 1920s to facilitate air navigation
"Hef and the Big Bunny" - the Playboy corporate jet
Ferrying Hawker Furies to Pakistan in 1949
The Bristol Mercury engine
Ryan's pterodactyls
"How Papa Smurf saved the T-45 Goshawk"
And more...

The Aviation Historian : HOME

This isn't a cheap magazine but it's available as an ebook as well as a print edition. I can heartily recommend it to anyone who longs for the good old days of "real" aviation magazines which covered interesting and esoteric subjects.
It is good. I've read every article and they're all excellent. Informative and not lacking in wit. Oh, and there are virtually no adverts in the entire volume. It's like a trip down memory lane to the good old days of aviation magazines. Really, really hope the publication is a success.

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