Major General
Did later designed medium (twin) engine bombers really have a larger bomb bay or more internal capacity?
A quick glance over specs of various well known mediums doesn't really strike me of superior bomb lifting capacity for those later and supposedly 'more advanced' bombers .....
Well, the A-26 might have only held 4000lbs inside but that could consist of two MK 13 Torpedoes (although the doors did not close). Or carriers for 56 fragmentation bombs or various combinations. 2 x 2000lbs, 4 X 1000lbs, 8 X 500lbs, 8 X 250lbs, 12 X 100lbs. The weight capacity may not have gone up but the volume and flexibility may have.
An A-26 can be looked at two ways. An A-20 with a lot more firepower (bombs and guns) or a B-25 with a LOT more speed. A-26 could cruise about 9mph faster than a B-25Js top speed.