33k in the air
Staff Sergeant
- 1,356
- Jan 31, 2021
I'll still argue that the Mosquito was the war's best long-range bomber, only lacking in numbers. It's low casualty rate matters greatly as does it's precision. The tactic of dive-bombing increased both positive factors and practically negates the use of high-altitude flak. In combined missions with medium, the other types suffered much more. Far too much emphasis was given to defensive armament, a shibboleth Bomber Command was reluctant to back off of.
The problem is striking power. The Lancaster could carry ~10,000 lbs of bombs to Berlin, while the Halifax III could carry ~8,000 lbs. The Mosquito could carry 4,000 lbs. That means to equal the striking power one one Lancaster you'd need 2.5 Mosquitoes, and 2 Mosquitoes to equal one Halifax III.
Add to that the bomb bays of Lancaster and Halifax could hold a wide variety of bomb types on a single mission compared to the small bay of the Mosquito.