The Climate Change Investigation into cause ?

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Alex Smart

Airman 1st Class
Oct 25, 2018
The Climate Change and investigation into the possible Causes.

Have there been any investigations into the cause or causes of the change ?

Of late I have thought that solar power may be one possible cause.

Thousands of solar panneles facing the sky.
If you look at them they all reflect the sunlight .
Is it possible that that reflected heat is in some way effecting the upper atmosphere, thus altering the structure and resulting in or assisting the climate change ?

Also if and when the seas rise and all the ice I in the south pole has melted, would there be any land there that would still be above the sea ?
I the answer is no, then the minerals and gas/oil reserves possibly down there would still be unavailable
AKA, Cow farts.

A common misconception.

It is actually cow burps,
Also if and when the seas rise and all the ice I in the south pole has melted, would there be any land there that would still be above the sea ?
I the answer is no, then the minerals and gas/oil reserves possibly down there would still be unavailable
The oceans have been steadily rising since the last ice age - if you figure the length of time it has taken for the oceans to reach their current level, humanity will be long gone before the mountains in Antarctica are submerged...
The Climate Change and investigation into the possible Causes.

Have there been any investigations into the cause or causes of the change ?

Of late I have thought that solar power may be one possible cause.

Thousands of solar panneles facing the sky.
If you look at them they all reflect the sunlight .
Is it possible that that reflected heat is in some way effecting the upper atmosphere, thus altering the structure and resulting in or assisting the climate change ?

Also if and when the seas rise and all the ice I in the south pole has melted, would there be any land there that would still be above the sea ?
I the answer is no, then the minerals and gas/oil reserves possibly down there would still be unavailable

There most certainly has been investigation into the causes of global warming. The predominant cause is likely* to be increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; see, for example, here: Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide | NOAA

CO2 (and other polyatomic molecules, like CH4 [predominant gas from flatulent cows] and SF6) interact with infrared radiation, making the atmosphere less translucent to infrared radiation (see Greenhouse Gas)

There may be other causes, but it's fairly easy to find out how much CO2 is put into the atmosphere by, say, burning fossil fuels. There are direct measurements of CO2 levels going back several thousand years and indirect measurements going back several hundred thousand years.
This is a map of where I used to live, Powell River, B.C.. My dad used to run a landfill where the yellow pin is. I used to walk there after soccer practice to get a ride home. There was a cut-bank there that contained seashell fossils. Elevation is 61m/200ft. It's been done before

Nice thing about sea level rise, at fractions of centimeters per year, humanity should be clever enough to avoid drowning.
There is absolutely no doubt mankind is causing a certain amount of global warming thru its actions but mother natures activities are also a large factor. One that the alarmists insist we ignore.

Let us first look at history. This article is one of many that show that the world was warmer several centuries ago. Melting glaciers reveal lost mountain pass and artifacts used by Vikings - CNN
Another study shows that when Julius Caesar crossed the alps and entered Gaul the temperature was 6 degrees warmer than it is now because otherwise the pass he used would have been closed by snow. Whether that was a one off hot winter or normal for the time is unknown but the study of tree growth rings in Scandanavia showed that around 0 BC the temperatures in Scandanavia were equally high.

The English Time team tv program some 20 years back did an episode on an island (Isle of White?) where they found the Roman port was very many feet above our current sea level. They included a painting from about 3-400 years ago that clearly showed that the island appeared to be two islands when viewed from the port on the mainland. Now it appears as one island because the sea level has dropped.

Recent temperature maps from satellites show that there are a lot of hot spots in the Pacific ocean which for some strange reason are in the close vicinity of underwater volcanoes that are currently active. And remember last year the molten lava flooding many acres of land and still being extremely hot when it flowed into the sea. All those contribute to global warming.

Some of the Pacific islands that are getting grants to compensate them for sea level rises are actually now larger than they were 20 years ago because the sea level there is dropping as proven by the altitude of the airports being higher on the GPS records. This, and the dropping of airfield elevations, in some cases less than 50km away, are the result of tectonic plate movement.

That is not to say we are not an additional cause. Cars, aircraft, air-conditioners, electrical appliances and people all emit heat. In 1957, the International Geophysical Year, my class did an experiment to find out how much heat a normal 14/15 year old radiated. The average for my class was a little more than a 60 watt heater put out. Modern kids are far heavier than we were so it is now probably close to 100 watts per 14/15 year old. And the population has doubled. We walked to school - the modern Aussie kid in years 11 and 12 drives their air-conditioned car spewing toxic gasses and claims that us boomers are environmentally irresponsible. What #$%^& hypocites.

Unfortunately climate change has become a religion and the alarmists are winning.

PS - about 6 or 7 years ago the UK parliament environment committee voted 9 to 3 to endorse the IPCC findings. The three nay votes were from the only three scientists on the committee. Their dissenting opinion blew holes in the IPCC report for errors and over reach.
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I keep getting into discussions with folks who insist that the sea levels have risen to "alarming levels" in the past 50 years and I point out to them a rock-solid indicator that it isn't.
The USS Arizona was sunk on 7 December 1941 as we all know. As it's damage was beyond repair, they conducted salvage operations which exposed the #2 turret casemate. After about a year, she was settled firmly on the floor of the harbor and has remained that way for just shy of 80 years. Photos taken of the Arizona over those many decades show that at high tide, the water level is even with #2 turret's guide-ring on the cassmate.
*IF* the oceans are rising at an alarming rate, it appears that Pearl Harbor did not get the memo...
The interesting sea levels to me are along the border of PNG and the Solomons where there is a major tectonic fault line. Some will remember some massive earthquakes there about 10 years ago. Everyone will also remember that the earthquake that created the tidal wave in Japan dropped sizeable sections of land up to 2 1/2 metres/8 feet. The same happened between PNG and the Solomons but underwater and also "instantly" rose the sea on one side of the divide and raised the land on the other side. Updated Jepps followed quite quickly.
Thank you all for your comments.
However what of my thoughts on the heat reflected by solar panels that may effect the upper atmosphere ?
The heat reflected by Solar panels isnt even a drop in a bucket when compared to the reflection of sunlight by the Sea, Clouds, Ice caps and Glaciers. If your worried about heating the upper atmosphere then stop burning Fossil fuels because thats billions of years of Sunlight being released.
Thank you all for your comments.
However what of my thoughts on the heat reflected by solar panels that may effect the upper atmosphere ?
The solar panel is a genuine point, however, I would be more concerned about changes to ecosystems where "solar farms" have been installed, like in California deserts.
Also, consider urban areas that have concrete, asphalt and structures that absorb heat, creating un-natural hotspots.

An example: Orange County (southern California) used to be primarily agricultural up through the 1980's. The region had a coast on one side and hills and valleys to it's northern and eastern borders. Traditionally, as the evening, the heat of the inland would draw the cool Marine air into the County, cooling the area considerably as evening approached. The summer temps would rarely get beyond 100° degrees because of this effect.
Another event would happen in fall/winter where the Tule Fog would rise up in the fields and orchards and mix with the coastal fog coming inshore and create a "whiteout" condition that closed airports, stopped rail traffic, canceled school days and occasionally cause major pile-ups on the freeways.
Now, with all of the County paved over, it swelters during the summer and cools little in the evening. The Tule Fog rarely ever happens anymore and on occasions when it does appear, it remains in parks, golf-courses and similar, isolated locations. The Coastal Fog does come ashore, but not like it used to.

Because of this noticable weather change, some people are convinced that "Global Warming" is behind it, when in fact it's the result of poorly planned uncontrolled population growth that threw a local ecosystem off balance. If you look at recorded temps taken at Orange County airport (SNA) over the past 50 years, it will show an increase of daily temperature averages because SNA was originally surrounded by agriculture (wide open tracts of land) and is today surrounded by urban sprawl and freeways.

And in answer to the solar panel reflection question: I would surmise that the reflection of solar panels would most likely have no more effect on the upper atmosphere than the vast tracts of oceans do already.
Reflection from solar panels would tend to reduce planetary temperature. Fossil fuel use contributes between 10 and 100 times the CO2 to the atmosphere as all the geological sources; it is a major, but not only, driver of global climate change. Other human activities -- deforestation, urbanization, suburban sprawl, roads, poor agricultural practices, etc -- tend to be more local in their effects. Of course, Southern California is a desert, which is extremely dependent on water resources from as far away as Colorado. So are the urban centers of Nevada, which would not exist without massive infrastructure projects from the 1930s.
Many thanks Guy's, I appreciation your enlightenment looking forward to more .

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