The F-35 Is Now the World’s Most INSANE Stealth Fighter: Here's Why

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With my lack of aviation knowledge as a given, I would've preferred they appropriated funds for a metric butt load of F-22's. It makes more sense to me to have the best possible weapon in quantity. Yup, taxes go up. Still cheaper than tribute.
Does it mention how they don't dare go supersonic or is it just more propaganda to justify the Trillion dollars wasted on the failure?
I'd like to know details to justify your comments. I know people who have flown the aircraft (F-35A) and that was never mentioned, but then again why???

Oh, and if it's such a failure why are 2 other countries building it?? Over 500 built so far...
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I couldn't help but notice that the video didn't discuss all the money and time spent just to get the aircraft operational. One could also worry about whether the lack of parts might be a critical problem in a combat situation.
The problem with the heads-up display is maybe less critical, but it was supposed to be a big benefit of the aircraft. Hope they get it working well soon.
With my lack of aviation knowledge as a given, I would've preferred they appropriated funds for a metric butt load of F-22's. It makes more sense to me to have the best possible weapon in quantity. Yup, taxes go up. Still cheaper than tribute.
The F-35 is a multi-role platform type while the F-22 is not.
With my lack of aviation knowledge as a given, I would've preferred they appropriated funds for a metric butt load of F-22's. It makes more sense to me to have the best possible weapon in quantity. Yup, taxes go up. Still cheaper than tribute.
Actually it's not - if the F-22 line was open today it's price would be more than 120 mil per copy. F-35A about 80 mil
Perhaps this should be a new thread.
The press that the F-22 got is that it's THE plane. Legitimate press, Sunday news articles, YouTube, etc.
The F-35, not so much.
An article on a military site compared the F-35 to the Brewster Buffalo. Modifications causing problems leading to further modifications and overruns. I came away with thinking that the F-35 was a short sighted attempt at economy. Too many jobs for the same airframe.
So when The Eagle said he preferred the Raptor, I thought that might be confirmation.
Is the F-35 a world class fighter? It seems to me multi-role or not, we'd want THE superior superiority fighter. If dragged into conflict it would be better to have quality AND quantity.
I'd love to get your thoughts on this. BTW do our torpedoes work?
Re: the video at 11:01 - I imagine the reason they're ramping up F-15 production is two words..."missile boats." A single F-35, operating inside hostile airspace, can designate targets for a number of F-15s. The F-15s fire their long range air to air missiles from beyond detection range, so they don't need to be stealthy. What they DO need is to be larger, twin-engine aircraft which can carry more missiles. Basically, the F-35 is too good at its job. One F-35 can keep any number of F-15s busy.

They even want to make B-52s into "arsenal planes," just to have something to carry enough missiles for the F-35s' targets.

B-52 Arsenal Planes


Remember, the F-35 is a STRIKE aircraft, not a dedicated air to air fighter. It's designed to primarily drop bombs. If it has to take on other aircraft, the concept is to either destroy them before the enemy is in range or leave the "dog-fighting" to the F-22.

I've said this many times - cost overruns are not just accepted by the government, they have to be approved and many of those overruns were due to the customer wanting to add things on to the aircraft or contract, the press conveniently never mentions this.

If you examine each version, they are not cookie cutter airframes, there are differences based on their roles but there's enough airframe commonality to make this cost effective in the long run.
Thanks for the replies. I've read FLYBOYJ's posts mentioning cost overruns. I know a good chunk of that reporting is either "gotcha!" journalism or someone's attempt to get that expose by-line. Not necessarily good reporting. I read an article in the New York Daily News once referring to an airplane as an ""S and J" trainer.
I was under the impression that the F-22 was supplanted by the Lightning II due to costs. Hence the cheaper airframe given more tasks. Now I have access to more accurate information. Is the F-35 a world beater? Is it a supersonic F2A3? Where did the buzz that the F-35 has problems going supersonic come from or is that more "S and J"?

The F-22 production did cease because of costs.

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