The Future of 'Future'.

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
So the Pre-wife comes to me and says she needs Future for a project she is doing. I say I have a half gallon of the stuff. She says, 'No, its old, she wants new.' Well, after searching the local stores, the stuff is non-existant. I - with a knowing smile - say there is still the stuff I have. Shes not so sure.

So does anybody know what the half-life of Future is?
For a split second there I thought this was going to be one of those 'Speed of dark' threads....

Not sure of the stuffs shelf life but you could always test it on something else first maybe?
Can't remember where I got it but its less than 10 years old and I think its still good - at least for what she wants it for.
My current bottle is about 2 or 3 years old, the one before lasted 4 years and was still good.
'Future' has always been made by Johnson's, just looks like they've fixed something which wasn't broken, and changed the name, using the 'Pledge' brand name as well as some additive to change the smell and initial appearance (in the bottle).

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