The Greatest Fighter Pilot of WWII... Finalized....

The Greatest Fighter Pilot of WWII..........

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as stated for obvious reasons in earlier threads Herr Hartmann was not the best the Luftwaffe had to offer. An excellent pilot then yes he was. having the highest score does not prove you are the best whatever that really means anyway. . . . .........
I think this is one of those discussions where there will never be a right answer. there are other guys for consederation that are not on the list either. Veron woodward did well with p-40,s in the desert, you didn't mention any polish pilots, some who had sucesses in Poland and France with obselete airplanes, then there were the finns who did well in airplanes everyone considered obselete. not sure who of the list I would say was the best, maybe the German guy(can't think of his name right now) but he shot down 44 4 engine bombers
Bernhart the chap you mention with 44 4-engine kills flying the 109G had his final score reduced to only 12/13.

most likely it would be assumed the pilot(s) with the most action in the most theaters in war with the most years of service - most missions gained, not necessary to have the most kill claims
This is what I stated in the other thread.

Erich Hartmann was not the best there was and not the best technical fighter pilot, but he did end up the highest scoring ace of all times. Therefore for me he is the best of the best.

However now having said that and this is what I have said in other posts in this thread. The best fighter pilot in my opinion and I agree with Les on this is Heinz Baer.
The Reason i Picked Mr. Galland was not Only did he Have a position inn the German Luftwaffe being a General meaning he could have jes sit down and let the Young Pup`s Have a good Go at It But He Didn`t Plus If a Few Inn the Higher Ups That was Running The German Show would Have Just Listened Too Gen. Galland when he spoke up about a New Tool That They had at the Ready Meaning The Me262 The Germans Might have Faired why why Differant than the way things turned out inn the End...... Inn Other Words Mr. galland Lead By Example and he also Showed and Tuaght His Fledgling`s Very Very we`ll . Erich Hartmann is still the highest scoring Ace of all Times with his 352 confirmed Kills
It is very hard to read your posts.

My spelling and stuff is not the best either but damn boy. Its no Inn but rather In. Also the grammar is horrid.

I am not making fun of you or anything but it is just very hard to follow your posts. Is English your first language? If not that would explain it.

By the way this site does have a spell checker.
Zebraa its now thought that apart from his early comrades, Galland had a disdain for the pilots who were trained after 43. These later pilots nicknamed him the 'Perfume factory'. He was considered to be a snivelling lackey of Gorings.
So a magical genie gives me three wishes. The first wish will be a round robin tournement involving any ace with over 15 kills. 10 major warbirds will be randomly selected and the aces will have to choose their weapon. They will have one month to get familiar with their aircraft practicing with a Miles laser system.

Top Gun for Dead Aces

The other two wishes will involve a hot brunette spinner with a lot of passion

I take it the above is an acronym? Perhaps Back up ludricous lies etc?

I have read a few negative accounts from a variety of sources that counter the popular image of Galland. This is the only one I could remmember at short notice.

'Luftwaffe Figher Aircraft in Profile' by Clas Sundin Christer Bergstrom. Pg 76

"According to the version given by himself and his friends(notably Johannes Steinhoff and the US biographers Tolvier and Constable) after the war, Galland vehemently fought to defend his fighter pilots from Hitler and Goring. In reality, this applies only to Galland,s attitude towards his officer friends from the BOB days. towards the new fighter pilots of the "1943-1944 generation," the Generalmajor was rather harsh, commonly accusing them of cowerdice in the same manner as Goring, and furnishing them with unrealistic demands such as every Schwarm must "produce" at least one aerial victory on every combat mission. The young fighter pilots' worship of "their" Fighter General is mainly a myth originated by Galland and his exclusive top fighter pilots' clique after the war. In fact, many of the 1944 pilots despised the snobbish manners of Galland and found him fawning on the Nazi leadership. Among them, he was referred to as the "Perfume Factory." In April 1944, during one of Galland's inspection tours while flying this Fw190, he was intercepted by a group of Mustangs, who chased the "great fighter ace" half-way through Germany - this story was merrily spread through the whole Fighter Arm."

I have made no special study of Galland and am open to opinions to counter this argument. Perhaps I should have stated "it is now thought by some ....."

Mile system?

That system is crap! Used it on our helicopters when we flew the field. Too many false shootdowns and not accurate at all.
also photo recon pilots were among the best. if some of them were in armed fighters there would be alot more kills and alot more aces

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