The Guns We Own

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You did well!

Still not sure where Universal came from...even my M1 .30s aren't Universal...

Anyway, this rifle has been stashed away in it's box for over 40 years. Dad never fired it, matter of fact, it was "lost" for quite some time and eventually turned up in his garage. It has some light surface rust, mostly on raised edges, like the front sight. The bore looks to be n great shape, no signs of pitting or rust (other than a light surface haze).

It is going to need some good cleaning, in the last photo, you'll see the mummified remains of a rubber band that held an inspection tag (which has long since crumbled into dust) and it'll need to be cleaned off the stock while I'm at it.

The box itself is cool in the respect that it has the W5 inspection stamp all over, along with the Rock Island Arsenal insignia.

And here's the photos:
I obscured our address, even though it's been 40 years since we lived there...
(NSA knows the address anyway...they're like my ex, they know everything)

Here she is seeing daylight for the first time in God only knows how long...

Here's an attempt to show the Inland Div. stamp conveniently hidden under the rear sight.
Also shows great detail in how badly it needs cleaning.
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Niiiiiice! Also a good friend of mine just found a Walther PPK registered to East German that came to be in his father's possession when he was a US serviceman in Vietnam is anyone's guess....

Nice!!!! I've got some 30 Carbine ammo laying around that will probably never get used since I don't own a .30 carbine anymore. Next time I'm in your neck of the woods I'll drop by and we can dispose of that ammo properly
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Probably traded his .45 for it. Done quite often actually. Most of those young GIs wanted the other guys weapons. And for the most part, kicked themselves later for doing so. I've always wanted a Webley. But since I would like to shoot it, I don't want to have to reload yet another caliber.

And the carbine looks flippin awesome. Don't you dare do anything but apply some Hoppe's No.9 or equivalent and some gun oil. Whatever you do, don't attempt to scrub off the surface rust (by the pic it is VERY minimal and would likely rank NRA 100% for a collectable... yes 100%). I'm so pissed I tossed my CMP box from my M1D. Dammit.

While dated to 1942, it has under gone at least one arsenal rebuild. It has the late model sights and what looks to be the flat bolt. You also have the newer trigger assembly and safety switch. The original safety was a push button type right next to the mag release. You can only imagine the number of cuss words uttered in battle, before they decided a change might be necessary. How the original set up made it through evaluations is beyond me.
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Niiiiiice! Also a good friend of mine just found a Walther PPK registered to East German that came to be in his father's possession when he was a US serviceman in Vietnam is anyone's guess....
My Uncle came back from Vietnam with a couple of Soviet junior officer souveniers...he never did say how he came into possesion of them...

Nice!!!! I've got some 30 Carbine ammo laying around that will probably never get used since I don't own a .30 carbine anymore. Nest time I'm in your neck of the woods I'll drop by and we can dispose of that ammo properly
Sounds like a deal! The M1 carbine has always been one of my favorites to take to the range
Not to worry, Matt, it'll simply be wiped clean with a soft flannel and some oil. The rubber band is pretty stubborn, but gently working it free (time effort) will see that solved.

Like I said, any rust that exists is simply a light haze, mostly found on sharp edges, like the front sights. In places on the rifle, like at the rear of the reciever where the stock meets up, has what looks like a very thin layer of cosmoline that was half-assed applied. Also on the stock by the sling groove, left side where the pistol grip meets the butt portion, is an area that's been ground. It almost looks like there was the "flaming cannonball" armory insignia stamped in there at one time. I'll see if I can get a photo of that later.

The box is deteriorating but the oiled shipping sleeve is holding up well.
Good God, I just now realized I wrote Universal...I had meant Inland Division (Inland Div.) many apologies for the screw-up...

I'm in the process of getting some photos to share...I'll have 'em posted here soon.

sure it isnt rock island? i remember them as a manufacturer of m1s

update...yeah it is. just looked at the post with the box. i am in the midst of cleaning a bunch of stuff up. i may have some parts for that....magazines...stripper clips...trigger parts. i have no use for them. will look but it may take me some time.
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I do remember Dad saying there was a cleaning kit but I haven't seen telling where it's gotten off to over the years.

Any parts are always welcome and much appreciated. Do to several circumstances in the past, I don't have many spare parts for anything anymore. I just recently managed to find replacement clips for my Revelation .22 bolt action (mfg. by Marlin) which was pure joy after many years of searching with no results.

I'll get another photo of the box, showing the arsenal approval stamps (found in several places) and some progress shots of the old beauty getting a good cleaning, and post those in the next few days.

While I'm at it, I'll post some photos of Dad's J.C. Higgins .22, which is in it's original box, with accessories and even it's owner manual.

I look forward to taking that .22 to the range when I am able to stand and shoulder a weapon. It will bring back some good memories.
Look forward to it, man. I have a JC Higgins (JC Penneys) .22LR that my dad had. I would kill to have it rebuilt. I've looked in Gun Parts, but its such a generic POS that I can't figure out parts for it.

....and a type three front band.No big deal though atleast you know it is an offical rebuild with that box!!I wonder if the trigger group is Inland?Alot of times the it would be different later in the war I have an IBM group in mine.Very nice rig and easily probably $1200-1500 maybe with that box and if the trigger group Inland add another $200 maybe.

Matt I got an ole Higgins(father-in-law's) I shoot that was unreliable when you had expended 14rds would jam.So I finally took it down and the nylon recoil pad was crack and ready to crumple.So I ordered another one from here for about $7 and it fixed the problem it seems have not shot it awhole lot neighbors can of frown city limits and all They have all kind of parts for MG42's,Thompsons and the ole carbines.
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...I'd gladly take it off your hands for $500

Don't stop now! Keep going!

I'll have more pix of the M1 Carbine here in a while...

I took some photos of the J.C. Higgins as promised, but I had physical therapy and that took all the fun out of the rest of the day.

So here's the .22 Dad and I would take out to the Cub Scout turkey shoots or a Saturday afternoon plink-fest:

Dave, really nice guns. Have looked at a few M1s at gun shows but I don't think I could use the sights and there did not seem to be an easy way to mount a laser or scope. JC Higgins brings back a lot of memories as well though my first .22 was a Marlin 39 wish I still had it.
As to beauty, my two gdaughters Sophie and Liz came for a visit and wanted to do some shooting. Started them off with a .22 automatics, graduated to my .45 XDm and finally the M16. Both are excellent shots and cleaned out the bullseye


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Good to see girls working the 'ol shootin' iron. That appears to be an Umarex .22 LR?

As far as the M1 Carbine is concerned, it's a nice compact piece of iron that would be very capable in an urban (door to door) or dense woodland situation, but for open affairs, I would certainly opt for a platform that had a reach to it with either iron sights (like my Mauser) or optics.

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