The Here, Now

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This is where it gets technical:

Taiwan IS the official China.

The Communists and the Nationalists (with the support of Imperialists) fought for control of post Imperial China with a temporary truce to fight Japan.
After the war, the two factions went at it again but the Nationalists (who were the internationally recognized government of China) had to retreat to Formosa (modern day Taiwan).

So Taiwan is the real China.
I know. Don't bother me with facts. I just want to rattle Xi's cage.
On a more serious note, many people on Taiwan consider themselves to be Taiwanese. I'm sure I read it on a link from a link from an article posted here.
I know. Don't bother me with facts. I just want to rattle Xi's cage.
On a more serious note, many people on Taiwan consider themselves to be Taiwanese. I'm sure I read it on a link from a link from an article posted here.
Aboriginals .... the natives ... fought the Japanese guerrilla-style before WW1. The ROC Army values these guys as scouts today, IIRC.
Well from the US perspective (and reflected elsewhere by most countries), there is this related to U.S. foreign policy in relation to China:

Source: China - Countries - Office of the Historian
What if Taiwan said "Uhh, after some thought, we decided we are Taiwanese, not Chinese (as in the box you check off for nationality).
I doubt they will go that far given mainland China is still Taiwan's biggest trading partner despite the 'fun and games':

Great photos
I was disappointed that I was not able to get a picture of all of them coming over my house. Every time they do a show at Cocoa Beach they seem to use my front door the airning point for their initial run-in. Well, there is always tomorrow's show, although the WX looks very iffy.

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