The Here, Now

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FIFI visit last summer.


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I'm calling from B-1 Support Center, we've informed that your B-1 is not running well ...

B-1 disappears ...
See what happens when you don't get the extended warranty?
DOESNT MATTER! Parts Dept says last CDC (Cloaking Device Controller) in the inventory was installed on the airframe in question last week. This item is no longer in production, the vendor who manufactured it is no longer in business, bought out by a Chinese concern, and all manufacturing jigs, production documentation, and component inventory destroyed for security reasons. Consider this airframe a write-off.
B-1s in India.
View attachment 716191
Perhaps a reminder to Putin, from India, that they're not big fans of his invading a sovereign country? Also, if memory serves, India and PRC have had "issues," and reminding China that a) Ukraine isn't that distracting for the US and b) the US does have people who have read some history.
Something I find interesting, is that India's military power is often overlooked.

To add to that, India just increased it's military budget by a considerable amount, putting them now in third place, right behind the U.S. and China.

India already has the world's third largest military and thanks to China's provocations, is starting to ramp up it's strength.

China may be biting off more than it can chew - the U.S. really doesn't have an advantage over China in regards to a potential brawl iver open water, but India sure as hell does, both in manpower/hardware as well as it's physical location.

And if push comes to shove, my money is on the descendants of the Mughal Empire for the win.

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